Kirsteen Jones
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Want to fall in love with Yoga?
Your in the right place if…

△ Your looking for Vinyasa Flow Yoga, Yin Yoga or a Sound Bath

△ You want to feel stronger in your body

△ Your enjoy taking take time out for yourself so that you can feel your best

△ You want to feel more flexible and supple

△ You value self care and taking time to nourish your soul

△ You want to learn more about Pranayama and how the breath can inform your Asana

△ You want to learn more about the Yoga Philosophy & Mythology

△ You want to find a tribe of like minded Yogis and Yoginis

△ You want to laugh on your mat, cry on your mat and leave class in a state of zen like calmness

△ You enjoy the concept of working with the rhythms of the seasons, cycles & moons

△ Your ready to develop a regular Sadhana (Yoga Practice)


Vinyasa Flow Yoga


My goal is to provide a playful, lighthearted fun class to ignite your spirit and infuse your practice with vibrant energy and joy. Yoga shouldn't always be serious and intense, and I believe that laughter, spontaneity, and playfulness can bring a whole new dimension to your practice.

Expect a welcoming and supportive environment where inhibitions are left at the door. I will guide you through a dynamic sequence of flowing postures, synchronized with breath, to build strength, flexibility, and cultivate mindfulness.

Laughter is welcome, and mistakes are celebrated as opportunities to learn and grow.

Be prepared to challenge your body, expand your mind, and tap into the limitless possibilities of your practice.

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Join us at an
Upcoming Event…


What my students say
About Me


Join us at the next Crystal Alchemy Sound Bath for
2 hours of blissful relaxation, nourishment & replenishment


Kirsteens Yoga

Kirsteen is a certified Vinyasa Flow Teacher, Reiki Master and Crystal Alchemy Bowl facilitator.

She has practiced Yoga for over 2 decades and taught for over 1O years. Her classes are lighthearted and playful and focused on how the practice feels for each individual and her desire is for you to leave the class feeling uplifted, energised and sparklier version of yourself.

Kirsteen is exceptionally grateful for her mentor Paul Harvey who she has one-to-one meetings in the traditional Yogic form of study. Paul received his training from TKV Desikachar (1939-2016) whom was the son and pupil of the renowned Śrī Tirumalai Krishnamacharya (1888 to 1998), one of India’s most respected authorities on the Vedic tradition and Yoga Teachings and practice.

She has sought out mentoring and guidance from many teachers over the years and considers herself a student for life.

When Kirsteens not on the mat you will find her playing her crystal Alchemy Sound Bowls, going for walks in nature, or spending time with family and friends.


Book your Tailored
Private Session Today

△ Partners Yoga & sound bath Birthday Celebration

△ Mother’s Blessing with Pregnancy Yoga

△ Corporate event to promote wellbeing with meditation, yoga and sound ceremony

Get in contact and we can make a plan tailored for you…